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Puremass.com is proud to have the following three editors.

Yellow Pig

Our Technology Editor is a graduate of the Hampshire College Summer Program in Mathematics and Brooklyn Technical High School. It holds degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Berkeley. It currently works fulltime at a software start-up in Northern California. It has previously worked for a day-trader, a brain-wave laboratory, a major database vendor and two other start-up companies. At Puremass.com, it contributes original articles and reviews toys, gears and software. Yellow Pig's favorite number is 17.

Judge Pig

Our Society Editor, is the reincarnation of a famous Chinese judicial officer. Following Ferris Bueller's footsteps, it is a non-believer of -isms. It is famous for defeating religious zealots, Communists and Fascists in many debates. It is mostly interested in ethics and moral issues related to the Internet, Democratic Taiwan, Imperial China, animal and human rights, and most issues related to power and money. Its responsibilities at Puremass.com are in the areas of social justice. Judge Pig is always right.

L.A. Pig

Our Consumer Editor, reviews restaurants, books, music, movies, fine arts, etc. for Puremass.com. It also supervises the design of the Puremass.com web site. Since the age of five, it has learned to play the violin, the recorder and the harmonica. It speaks Taiwanese, Mandarin, English and German. Its diverse interests include eating, traveling, photography, ultimate frisbee, singing, literature, movies, concerts, spelunking, etc. L.A. Pig is all about fun, indulgence and spending money.

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